The Best 25 ‘I am’ Affirmations for Relaxation

How do ‘I am’ affirmations work?

“I am” affirmations work because they directly tap into the power of self-identity and belief.

By starting with “I am,” you are affirming a statement about yourself, reinforcing your self-image and influencing your subconscious mind.

“I am” affirmations are present tense and positive, focusing on what you want to cultivate rather than what you want to avoid, which helps to rewire your thoughts and behaviors toward the desired outcome.

Do affirmations work for everyone?

picture of a smiling woman after doing affirmations

The simple answer is no.

There are tons of relaxation techniques out there!

Since we’re all unique, not every trick will hit the spot for everyone.

Affirmations might be super soothing for one person but not do much for someone else.

With such a wide range of relaxation methods, go with what feels right for you at the moment.

Tune into your body, mind, and soul.

There are plenty of other relaxation techniques to explore, like meditation, breathing techniques, sound therapy, moving meditation, self-hypnosis, Nuero-Linguistic Programming (NLP), aromatherapy, yoga, and Ayurvedic practices.

Science behind affirmations

I am going to get a little technical now.

Repeating affirmations, especially in a state of relaxation or focus, stimulates the brain’s neural pathways associated with self-identity, beliefs, and emotions as we just discussed.

Research indicates that affirmations can effectively reprogram subconscious thought patterns, influencing behavior, emotions, and physiological responses.

Imagine that!

You’re essentially rewiring your brain to adopt new beliefs and attitudes by consistently affirming positive statements about yourself.

Moreover, affirmations activate the brain’s reticular activating system (RAS), a network responsible for filtering incoming information based on your beliefs and priorities.

This means that affirmations prime your brain to notice opportunities and experiences that align with your affirmations, leading to a self-reinforcing cycle of positive change.

By fostering a mindset of positivity and self-empowerment, affirmations can help you overcome limiting beliefs and achieve your goals.

In essence, the science behind affirmations lies in their ability to shape neural pathways, influence perception, and cultivate a more positive and empowered mindset, ultimately leading to a healthier mind, body, soul connection.

How affirmations work in real-time when undergoing a challenge

Navigating daily life can often throw unexpected challenges our way, making it difficult to maintain a positive mindset.

We have all been there; driving and suddenly the tire pops, our child is sick at school and we are at work, or simply forgetting we had to buy milk for coffee in the morning.

However, affirmations serve as powerful tools precisely for these moments.

When stressors arise, affirmations offer short, uplifting phrases that we can use in real-time to counter negative thoughts and emotions.

By repeating affirmations such as “I am capable,” “I am resilient,” or “I am calm,” we can quickly shift our focus and mindset, effectively de-stressing the situation.

These short, affirmative statements act as mental anchors, grounding us in self-assurance and optimism, ultimately helping us navigate challenges with greater ease and resilience.

Here are 25 ‘I am’ affirmations for relaxation:

  1. I am calm and centered.
  2. I am at peace with myself and the world around me.
  3. I am releasing tension with every breath I take.
  4. I am letting go of stress and embracing tranquility.
  5. I am allowing myself to relax completely.
  6. I am surrounded by a sense of serenity.
  7. I am worthy of rest and rejuvenation.
  8. I am nurturing my mind, body, and spirit with relaxation.
  9. I am creating a peaceful sanctuary within myself.
  10. I am sinking into a state of deep relaxation effortlessly.
  11. I am releasing worries and embracing the present moment.
  12. I am surrendering to the flow of life with ease.
  13. I am breathing in relaxation and exhaling tension.
  14. I am embracing stillness and quieting my mind.
  15. I am finding comfort and solace within myself.
  16. I am allowing my body to unwind and recharge.
  17. I am opening myself up to feelings of calmness and tranquility.
  18. I am letting go of all that no longer serves me.
  19. I am connecting with the peace that resides within me.
  20. I am surrendering to the natural rhythm of life.
  21. I am finding joy in moments of quiet reflection.
  22. I am replenishing my energy with each moment of relaxation.
  23. I am releasing resistance and embracing relaxation.
  24. I am inviting peace and harmony into my life.
  25. I am deserving of moments of pure relaxation and bliss.


So it is basically a cycle of bringing awareness to your present moment implementing a positive thought about yourself or circumstance that later reduces stress, boost self-esteem, and enhance resilience in the face of challenges.

Keep it simple. Choose your top 3 favorite I Am affirmations and repeat them when calm as well as when things get out of hand.

Give it a try!



